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The .99p (cent) Economy

Tuesday 15 December, 2015 Written by 
Donald Trump Speaks

Donald Trump may be more Donald Chump to some, but this infographic (a trendy name for a graph we always thought) shows how the middle class have shrunk in the USA. Trumps power base is very much this lower demographic. 'The Donald' appeals not so much the working class, but to the USA’s whole under-class.

His simple messages, repeated again and again, have appealed to those fed up with the usual suspects.

“You put two politicians, like it’s always been, in the White House, what happens? Nothing, basically,” said one female voter.  

The ABC are focused on EU state pensions and benefits and the European labour market and economy, however we do like to look outside our area of focus from time to time. This graph shows how the middle class in the USA have shrunk. Middle Class aspirations are the drivers of a consumer economy. In the dash to the bottom wages wise, these are the customers who once bought cars, boats, motor homes and other ‘nice to haves’ in a consumer economy.  Take these away and you have what we call at the ABC - The .99p economy.

American Income Distribution

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