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DWP Committee Meeting LIVE

Monday 14 December, 2015 Written by 
DWP Select Committee

House of Commons

Work and Pensions Select Committee

EVIDENCE SESSION: Understanding the new State Pension

 9.45am, Wednesday 16 December, Wilson Room, Portcullis House

The new State Pension is a major reform and will affect millions of people currently of working age, starting from April of next year. Although in the long term the reforms will simplify the State Pension, the transition period will be long and complex, and there is a lot of uncertainty about the impact of the reforms among people who will be affected, especially for those now closest to State Pension age.

Concerns have been raised that many of those who will be affected by the changes do not know enough about the reforms or exactly what they will mean for their pensions, especially people who are close to retirement now and may have done most or all of their retirement planning and saving under the "old" system.

Purpose of this session

This is the second of three evidence sessions in the inquiry. This session gives the opportunity to question representatives from Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) campaign, on how the reforms affect women born in the 1950s and their views on improving communications, and pension industry specialists on current public understanding of the policy and recommendations for improvement.


At 9.45 am

  • Anne Keen, Women Against State Pension Inequality
  • Lin Phillips, Women Against State Pension Inequality

At 10.30am

  • Kate Smith, Aegon UK
  • Dr Deborah Cooper, Mercer
  • Phil McEvoy, Prospect


DWP Select Committe