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Department of Work and Pensions Annual Report and Accounts, 2014-15

Wednesday 28 October, 2015 Written by 
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EVIDENCE SESSION: Department of Work and Pensions Annual Report and Accounts, 2014-15 

 9.30am, Wednesday 28 October, Wilson Room, Portcullis House

 This is Committee’s first oral evidence session of the new Parliament with the Secretary of State. The Committee will question the Secretary of State on the Department’s Annual Report and Accounts. Therefore the session can span the range of DWP’s responsibilities and expenditure, including:

- the impact of spending cuts on claimants; administrative spending; departmental capability and capacity; and fraud and error in benefit payments;

- the Department’s preparedness for implementing pension reforms, including auto-enrolment and the New State Pension;

- delays in processing benefit claims, including Personal Independence Payments and Employment and Support Allowance;

- welfare-to-work and tackling the disability employment gap; and

- the ongoing rollout of Universal Credit.

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