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Eurozone Woes

Monday 19 October, 2015 Written by 
Eurozone Crisis For Dummies

EUROZONE — Deflation Is Back: You’d never guess from the reference to “inflation,” but in fact the eurozone’s prices decreased by 0.1 percent in September according to the EU’s statistics agency Eurostat. In September 2015, negative annual rates were observed in 17 member states, the worst being Cyprus (-1.9 percent), Romania (-1.5 percent) and Spain (-1.1 percent). Just one country recorded annual inflation over 1 percent: Malta. Deflation means that people postpone purchases anticipating prices will drop further.

POVERTY — ONE IN FOUR EUROPEANS AT RISK:The risk of poverty or social exclusion affected 122 million people, 1 in 4 persons, in the EU in 2014 according to new Eurostat figures. Marianne Thyssen, the EU commissioner for employment, social affairs, skills and labor mobility, said in a written statement: “Although the economic recovery is strengthening in the EU and slowly translating into the creation of jobs, the EU is still faced with unacceptably high unemployment and poverty.