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The Second May Bank Holiday Benefit Payment Dates

Monday 24 May, 2021 Written by 
The Second May Bank Holiday Benefit Payment Dates

BANK HOLIDAY - If you claim Universal Credit, tax credits or child benefit, and your normal payment date would be Monday, May 31, you can expect to be paid this Friday, May 28.

Universal Credit  is paid on the same day each month. Tax credits are typically paid every four weeks or weekly, while child benefit is usually every four weeks on a Monday or Tuesday.

Other benefits like PIP and ESA are expected to follow the same pattern if your payment date is on the bank holiday, so it is likely you will be paid early.

If you are due to be paid early, you won’t need to inform the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as the money will come through automatically.

What if I don't get paid?

If you don't get your benefit payment when you expected to, first check double-check the date on your award notice and your bank account.

If you've got the right date, and the money isn't there, you should contact the relevant helpline.

Do keep in mind these are unlikely to be open on bank holidays.

Universal Credit:

Call for free: 0800 328 9344

Welsh speaking: 0800 012 1888

Textphone: 0800 328 1344

Child benefit:

Call for free: 0300 200 3100

Outside UK: +44 161 210 3086

Tax credits:

Call HMRC for free: 0345 300 3900

From outside the UK: +44 2890 538 192

Other benefits:


Call for free: 0800 328 9344

Welsh speaking: 0800 328 1744

Textphone: 0800 169 0314

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