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Stay Safe this Chinese New Year Friday 12 February Say Essex Fire Brigade

Thursday 11 February, 2021 Written by 
Stay Safe this Chinese New Year Friday 12 February Say Essex Fire Brigade

CHINESE NEW YEAR - Celebrations will take place on Friday 12 February as people throughout the County mark the Chinese New Year and welcome in the Year of the Ox. 

But while celebrations are going on it is important to take some simple precautions to ensure that all those enjoying themselves are as safe as possible from the risk of fire. 

Area Manager Jim Palmer said: "We want everyone to have a happy and enjoyable Chinese New Year but everyone needs to be aware that at times of celebration when more cooking takes place and people are often too busy enjoying themselves, it's even more important to pay attention to fire safety. 

"Fireworks are also an important part of the celebrations and they, of course, pose their own risks. We have a dedicated page for firework fire safety which we urge everyone to read. 

"We understand that the New Year festivities are very special to the Chinese communities, as it is a period of good luck and starting afresh, but by taking just a few simple precautions you can greatly reduce the risks for yourself and your family."

Fit working smoke alarms on each floor level in your home. Consider buying an alarm with a ten year battery, otherwise change the battery every year in your alarm and test all alarms once a week. 

Treat fireworks with great caution. Only buy fireworks marked with British Safety Standard 7114 and always read and follow the instructions. 

At all times, keep flames from candles at a safe distance from curtains, furniture and decorations. Long hair and clothing are also very flammable. Keep the flame out of reach of children and animals. Children should be supervised at all times near flames. 

When cooking deep-fried food, dry it before you put it in the hot oil. If the oil starts to smoke, turn off the heat and leave the pan to cool. Never fill the pan more than one-third full of oil. Never throw water over the pan. 

Avoid overloading electrical sockets. Try to remember, one plug - one socket. If you must have more plugs connected always use a fused adaptor. 

Chinese New Year

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