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ABC's Simon Collyer on Chelmsford Community Radio

Wednesday 16 December, 2020 Written by 
ABC's Simon Collyer on Chelmsford Community Radio

ABC RADIO APPEARANCE - On Monday 14th December Simon Collyer ABC founder appeared on Chelmsford Community Radio on the City Talk program, with the award-winning presenter, Nita Jhummu.

We had a very interesting discussion and we anticipate the ABC will be featured again in future. We are certainly talking again in the new year.

Nita said; 'The feedback was great and friends and colleagues messaged me during the show to say how great you were. They found you extremely knowledgeable, interesting and personable'.  

Of Nita herself, we felt she with her co-presenter certainly has the potential to take City Talk to a larger, national audience. It is only a question of time we speculate before their talents are spotted.

Brian McGovern co-hosts City Talk who is also the co-founder of homelessness charity Cool to Be Kind, who is running the Rucksack Project this Christmas.

Best of luck to them in 2021.

Simon Collyer wants to continue doing his talk Human Potential in the new year. Interest from schools and colleges regarding speaking engagements are very welcome. 

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City Talk

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Chelmsford Community Radio