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DWP Issues Recruitment Guidance For Employers

Friday 28 August, 2020 Written by 
DWP Issues Recruitment Guidance For Employers

DWP - The DWP has published guidance to support employers through the recruitment process. This is to promote re-entry into employment for the many employees whose jobs may unfortunately be impacted by the pandemic.

Recruitment support and information for employers offers tips for virtual recruiting and onboarding and also sends a message to look at applicants’ transferable skills and not just their work history.

The DWP comments that “This is particularly important at the moment as many people will need to move from one sector to another”. This is likely to be an increasing trend and Personnel Today, has published a report showing that already half of new starters during the pandemic moved from another industry.

Inclusive recruitment support offers guidance about employing people from a variety of backgrounds. It is notable as, rather than focusing on high profile diversity challenges such as BAME, it has sections on groups who may not be at the forefront of diversity campaigns such as returners (after extended career breaks), homeless people and ex-offenders. 

Recruitment support for employers

ABC Note: Information supplied courtesy of solicitors Pinset Masons.

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