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Customers on the March

Wednesday 15 April, 2015 Written by 
Customers on the March

We do feel upset when we see a needless disaster on this scale. We need to bring pressure on European Companies to act responsibly, and ensure suppliers treat their workers with the same degree of care, as most employers do in our developed society. 

On 24th April 2013, over 1100, mainly women, workers were killed and 2500 injured when the Rana Plaza building collapsed in Bangladesh. The building housed factories making clothes for Benetton, Primark, Matalan, Mango, Gap and other major brands supplying clothes for the UK high street. Approximately 2,515 injured people were rescued from the building alive.

Two years later, the garment workers of Bangladesh are still fighting for justice. To mark the anniversary, War on Want have organised a walking tour of Oxford St where they will expose the high street brand undermining attempts to make Bangladesh’s factories safe. 

If you can make some spare time, why not go along and support this demonstration? If we all show we care, those who are getting rich cutting corners might start to think more carefully about how those workers are treated, and when, where, and how they have their garments manufactured. 

War on Want 

When: Thursday 6.30pm, April 23rd

Where: Oxford st, [exact meeting point tbc], central London,
What: Walking tour
Organised by: War on Want & Labour Behind the Label
Supported by: Fashion Revolution, Rainbow Collective, The Brick Lane Debates