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Spread the Warmth

Thursday 30 October, 2014 Written by 
Fuel Poverty

Age UK are running a Spread the Warmth campaign?

Age UK say that 1 older person dies needlessly every 7 minutes from the cold - that’s 200 deaths a day that could be prevented.

Of the winter deaths that happen every year, 9 in 10 are older people.

Age UK estimates that 1.7 million older people in the UK can’t afford to heat their homes, and over a third (36%) of older people in the UK say they live mainly in one room to save money.

Of course cuts in the real purchasing power of benefits are also affecting people. Fortunately this year so far the weather has been very mild. This could change of course. 

Part of the Age UK guides say this:

Eating well

  •          Make sure you have at least one hot meal a day and regular hot drinks.
  •          Include a variety of foods in your diet to get the nutrients that you need.
  •          Keep basic food items in your cupboard or freezer in case it’s too cold to go shopping.

The latter is a very good idea. If you live in a remote region keeping some food in the car, a spare jumper, coat and sleeping bag and a shovel is not a bad idea too. An ice scraper is a great way to avoid breaking your Debit/Credit card clearing the windscreen on a frosty morning.  

Do check out the Age UK website for some useful tips.