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RAF Bentwaters, The Rendlesham Forest Incident and UFO’s

Monday 20 November, 2017 Written by 
RAF Bentwaters

We made a trip to RAF Bentwaters, Sunday.

Welcome to RAF Bentwaters

RAF Bentwaters is in Suffolk near to the town of Woodbridge. It opened in 1944 and closed in 1993. It was the home of the United States Air force's 81st Tactical Fighter Wing. The base at its peak used to pour a million pounds a week into the local economy. The Bentwaters Cold War Museum is open, largly during the summer months. 

Bentwaters Cold War Museum

The Rendlesham Forest incident refers to three days in December 1980 where numerous unidentified, triangle-shaped objects were spotted hurtling through the sky near Rendlesham, Suffolk. They were seen close to the RAF Woodbridge, which was then being used by the US Airforce. There is a walk through the forest known as the UFO trail. Rendlesham Forest is a 1,500-hectare mixed woodland in Suffolk owned by the Forestry Commission with recreation facilities for walkers, cyclists and campers. A fascinating but scary place. Not so much because of the likelihood of a close encounter with a UFO but as a reminder of the ever-present danger of nuclear weapons. 

If you get a chance we suggest you might pay a visit. The base is now home to the film industry and it creating new opportunies for jobs of a more peaceful kind.

You read more about The Rendlesham Forest incident here:

Encounter at Rendlsham Forest 

The Rendlesham Forest incident