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Former Australian PM Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser AC CH on the Surveillance State

Friday 31 March, 2017 Written by 
Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser AC CH Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser AC CH

Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser AC CH talks about the Surveillance State to the Australian Fabian Society.  Australian politics have swung to the right. The Australian Fabians are battling a range of issues with youth unemployment one of them. It is often good to take opinions from outside our country and this interview is very candid and refreshing. Often, we are convinced by politicians that there is only one route and these outside commentators provide interesting insight to existing issues.  

The surveillance state effects people including those on benefits whom the state may feel it has a legitimate reason not to respect their privacy when snooping for potential benefit cheats. A feeling that if people are claiming, they do not have the same rights to privacy as other citizens do.


Australian Fabians 

Video courtesy of the Australian Fabian Society

Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser AC CH speaks on the Surveillance State