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Liberal Democrats Move To Stop Gov Bill Restricting Disability Benefits

Monday 27 March, 2017 Written by 
Liberal Democrats Move To Stop Gov Bill Restricting Disability Benefits

Peers will today (Monday 27 March) vote on a motion tabled by the Liberal Democrats that would kill off Government proposals to severely restrict disability benefits.

The Government has announced a tightening of the criteria for claimants of Personal Independence Payments (PIP), which will see tens of thousands of people with mental health and anxiety conditions such as schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder lose the benefit altogether.

Liberal Democrat peers have taken the rare step of tabling a motion that would kill off the proposals entirely, set to be voted on tomorrow evening.

Liberal Democrat Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Cathy Bakewell, who tabled the fatal motion, commented:

"The Government have made this change without any consultation of claimants or the organisations who represent them.

"It is a deplorable and underhand attack on the most vulnerable in our society. We must be prepared to stop it in its tracks.

"The Government's claim that they are returning to the original intention of the law is incorrect, mean-spirited and shows no understanding of those people trapped in their homes, too anxious to leave without support.

"I call on all peers today to back our efforts to kill this bill and force ministers back to the drawing board."